Cervical Ripening
“Cervical Ripening” Acupuncture treatments are a form of alternative therapy that aims to promote the softening and dilation of the cervix in preparation for childbirth. This specialised acupuncture technique involves the strategic insertion of fine needles into specific acupuncture points on the body, mostly located on the lower legs, particularly associated with the reproductive system. By stimulating these points, Acupuncture can help to increase blood flow to the cervix, relax the surrounding muscles, and encourage the release of hormones that facilitate cervical ripening. This natural approach to cervical ripening is often sought by women who prefer to avoid medical interventions or induction methods.
Clinical research on this method of Acupuncture originally appeared in 1974 in a study by Kubista and Kucera. This study concluded that Acupuncture treatment of these specific points, at least once per week starting from week 37, reduced the mean labour time of the women treated.
In more recent research, conducted by Acupuncturist, Debra Betts and midwife, Sue Lennox, 169 women received pre-birth cervical ripening treatments. This study began treatment at week 36. The results were as follows:
“In the acupuncture group comparing all caregivers (including midwives, GP’s and specialists) there was an overall 35% reduction in the number of inductions (for women having their first baby this was a 43% reduction) and a 31% reduction in the epidural rate. When comparing midwifery only care there was a 32% reduction in emergency caesarean delivery and a 9 % increase in normal vaginal births.
There was no statistical difference in the onset of early labour in those women receiving prebirth acupuncture.”
The intention of cervical ripening & pre-birth Acupuncture is to increase blood-flow to soften the cervix, and to calm the mind of the expecting parent. This is a relaxing, non-invasive treatment, to add to your pre-natal care. Make sure to find a fully qualified, licensed Acupuncturist to ensure effectiveness and safety of treatment.
If you are interested in beginning your cervical ripening treatments with me, I recommend my Pack of 6 Acupuncture treatments, which can be purchased here!