Weight Loss Acupuncture
There are no magic Acupuncture points that can be needled and cause the body to lose fat.
However, there are many ways that Acupuncture can approach the symptom of “weight gain” holistically, and many people report losing weight after beginning a course of Acupuncture treatments. If you would like to lose weight, it is always worth mentioning this to your practitioner and being open and honest about your diet, lifestyle and eating habits. The clinic is a judgement-free space.
So, how can Acupuncture help?
Supporting Digestion:
Acupuncture is often used in treatment of digestive disorders, including IBS. Supporting optimal digestion means the body can get the most benefits out of meals. If you’re digestion is too fast, maybe you have loose stools, you may not be absorbing minerals from your food properly leading to low energy. If you’re digestion is too slow, and you are prone to constipation, you may experience bloating and your body may re-absorb toxins it was trying to eliminate. This is how constipation affects hormonal balance, which may cause weight gain.
Hormonal Imbalance:
Finding hormonal balance in our busy lifestyles can be complicated, particularly with the female reproductive cycle. Hormonal imbalance can lead to weight gain as the body and its metabolism doesn’t function as it should. Acupuncture can support hormonal imbalance by reducing stress, regulating the menstrual cycle, and improving sleep.
Lymphatic System:
The lymphatic system exists in the body to move fluids and eliminate toxins. When you gain weight, the lymphatic system can become sluggish, in turn making it harder to lose weight. As this system doesn’t have a “pump” of it’s own, it needs help to move. Acupuncture and accompanying treatment modalities such as Gua Sha and Cupping can help move the lymphatic system, along with exercise.
TCM Concept of Dampness:
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, “Dampness” is an external pathogen that can invade the body. This can be from Damp environments, and Damp/Cold foods such as dairy, raw fruit and veg, iced drinks, refined sugars. It can also accumulate over time from a weakness of the digestive system. Symptoms of Dampness include weight gain, particularly around the lower abdomen, and the body feels heavy and sluggish. Other signs might include lack of thirst, slow digestion or loose stools, swelling and puffiness, brain fog and a swollen tongue with teethmarks. An Acupuncture practitioner can use Acupuncture to help the body to “Drain Dampness”, as well as recommending a Damp-reducing TCM Diet and Lifestyle.
TCM Concept of the Triple Burner:
The concept of the Triple Burner in Traditional Chinese Medicine refers to the functioning of the digestive system, similar to the metabolism. If this system is out of whack, it leads to the accumulation of excess weight held around the torso. Picture cooking a pot of rice - The triple burner consists of the “Lower Burner” as the fire below, the “Middle Burner” as the cooking pot and food (ie your Stomach), the “Upper Burner” as the steam rising. The Lower Burner, your fire, can be harmed by things like emotions, stress, cold, poor sleep, and low energy. When this fire is too much or too little, it causes a clump of undercooked or over-cooked rice to sit in the Middle Burner, with nowhere to go. This area is your middle, so weight accumulating here could be a sign of Triple Burner dysfunction.
TCM Nutrition:
Fad diets come and go, they never suit every body type, and are not sustainable. In fact, one meta-analysis showed that, on average, dieters regain more than half of the weight they lose within two years. When you begin a course of Acupuncture treatment, you are given a Traditional Chinese Medicine Nutrition & Lifestyle plan. This plan is specific to your needs, and will look different for everyone. The TCM Nutrition plan is not a restrictive “diet”. It focuses on simple and easily digestible meals, eating in line with the seasons, and the practise of mindful eating.
Motivation & Exercise:
We all know exercise if good for our physical and mental health. However, starting an exercising regime can be a daunting idea. Sometimes doing something for your body, such as Acupuncture or even a massage or facial, can be a first step in the right direction. Devoting time to yourself can make you look for new ways to take care of your body and to feel good. If the issue is low energy, Acupuncture can work on improving sleep quality and energy levels. Many people report feeling energised and motivated immediately after an Acupuncture session.
Addiction/Binge Eating Support:
When addressing weight gain holistically, it is important to look for a root cause. In some people this may simply be a pattern of over-eating or food addictions. Acupuncture can help with addiction cessation, often with the commonly used NADA Protocol of Ear Acupuncture. However, this type of treatment will always benefit from a more wide support system such as talking therapies or EFT Tapping, which may be recommended by your practitioner.