Acupuncture, Fertility & Pregnancy
Acupuncture to support your menstrual health and fertility journey.
Cycle Regulation & Pre-conception Care:
Acupuncture can be used to support a healthy menstrual cycle, aiming for regular healthy periods with minimal negative symptoms and/or PMS. It is a great option for issues such as PMS, PMDD, painful periods, endometriosis, PCOS, absent periods, recent miscarriage and post-pill irregularities. Ensuring ovulation occurs is vital if trying to conceive, and this can be encouraged with Acupuncture. If you are trying to conceive, Acupuncture can work holistically to make sure the body is in its best state to support a pregnancy. This includes regulating digestion, improving sleep and energy levels, and relieving stress. For anyone looking to conceive, I recommend beginning a course of Acupuncture up to 3 months before you start trying. At this point, we can create a treatment plan tailored for you, from pre-conception through to post-natal care. This journey is different for every body.
First Trimester Care:
In the first trimester of pregnancy, Acupuncture treatments focus on maintaining the pregnancy by continuing to support the body holistically. Further along it is also recommended for treatment of negative side effects that may crop up, such as morning sickness, nausea, stress and anxiety.
Second Trimester Care:
In the Second Trimester more issues may arise that can be addressed with Acupuncture. This includes back pain, pelvic pain, gestational diabetes, energy levels and stress/anxiety. Again, the journey is different for everyone. For some, they may need much fewer treatments at this stage. In the case of a breech or posterior baby into the correct position, Moxa therapy can be used as a gentle approach to turning the baby, from week 34-37. This is effective in up to 85% of true breech cases. (If you are interested in this treatment for breech presentation, please get in touch for further information)
Third Trimester Care & Cervical Ripening:
In the Third Trimester we begin preparing for birth, and continuing to treat any issues from the second trimester. From week 36 until your due date, we recommend “Cervical Ripening” treatments to prepare for birth. This increases blood-flow to the uterus and softens the cervix, aiding dilation and contractions with less pain, and less instances of emergency c-section. Studies have shown it reduces labour time, particularly in cases where treatments were 2x per week from week 37. This may be taught as an acupressure home treatment if needed. Read more about cervical ripening here, here, and here.
Labour Induction:
If you have passed your due date, labour induction acupuncture is a gentle, natural and effective way to get things moving. This is only available after 41 weeks of pregnancy. (Please contact me about home visits if you are interested.)
Fourth Trimester & “Golden Month”:
In Traditional Chinese Medicine the month after childbirth is a time to rest, bond, and nourish the mother back to health. Acupuncture can be used in this time where problems arise - issues with milk supply, mastitis, pain, and post-natal depression. You will also be given instructions for at home care as part of your treatment plan. This may include nourishing recipes, moxa treatment instructions, and herbal bath mixes, depending on your unique case.