TCM Body Clock

In TCM different times of the day relate to different organs. Living in tune with this cycle can help bring the body into balance. Symptoms related to each organ can flare at the organ’s “time” or at the time opposite it, which is when the organ is at its weakest. For example - feeling wide awake at 3am (Liver time) or having heart palpitations at 12 midnight (opposite Heart time) ⏰

Here’s how to follow this organ cycle:

11pm - 6am: SLEEP 🛌

7am Large Intestine: Wake up, meditate, breathwork, bowel movement

7am - 11am Stomach & Spleen: eat breakfast, walk, clear thoughts - best time for hard work

11am - 3pm Heart & Small Intestine: eat lunch, socialise, then rest & digest

3pm - 5pm Bladder: work & study, drink tea

5pm - 7pm Kidney: eat dinner, move into Yin time, finish work, stretch, walk

7pm - 9pm Pericardium: read, love, self love

9pm - 11pm San Jiao: come into balance, get ready for bed, aim to sleep by 10:30

Then start all over again!

The Chinese Medicine Clock, image by healthline


TCM Morning Routine


Gua Sha Facial