New Year, New You…?
Metal becomes Water
As the winter solstice approaches I’m starting to deepen my understanding of the five elements cycle. We’ve just had Autumn, the season of the Metal Element. The next is Winter, the season of the Water Element.
Winter | Peak Yin
Golden Month | The Fourth Trimester
Period Colours
Menstrual Cycle | Yin into Yang
TCM Morning Routine
TCM Body Clock
Pumpkin Porridge Recipe
Earth Season | Late Summer
Ben & Biao
In Traditional Chinese Medicine we often look at a patient in terms of Ben and Biao - meaning Root and Branch.
Each symptom can be seen as a different branch of a tree, and underlying issues are the roots. These roots can be the patients health history, physical or mental health issues, their lifestyle, relationships and diet. Treating only the presenting symptoms (branches) will have short term benefits. Addressing the roots is necessary for long term affect.
Acne in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acne - different diagnoses and holistic treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
Gua Sha, Cupping & Moxibustion
Gua Sha, Cupping & Moxibustion therapies.